Iron Bridge opens the door to China

by Brent Smith

There’s been increasing talk about Chinese buyers acquiring property for sale around New Zealand, in particular, houses for sale in Auckland. This Chinese market has grown considerably over the past few years and New Zealand is a prime spot for their property investment. Which is why we’re excited to announce that we’ve made the move to join, a worldwide property portal for Chinese buyers to search for real estate. 

We believe Juwai offers an exciting opportunity to showcase our vendors’ properties in this market. With the prediction of 15-20% growth in the number of Chinese buyers over the next year, it’s an area of marketing that offers real value for our sellers.

That being said, there’s a lot of criticism out there questioning the level of foreign investment in New Zealand, whether it’s at a corporate level or a residential level. Many other countries are putting restrictions in place to control foreign investment in their property market, often easing the pressure on buyers based on home soil, but so far NZ hasn’t made any move to legislate this area of the market. Take a look at TV3’s recent interview with Juwai CEO, Simon Henry.

With the internet being such an integral tool for how people search for property these days, we see almost all of our serious buyer enquiries come from an online source.

“Being on Juwai gives the increased ability to market our clients homes and more easily reach Chinese purchasers, whether they’re based here or overseas,” says Iron Bridge Real Estate Principal, Adam Smith.

“We believe it’s a great addition to our smart and cost-effective marketing strategy – another string to the bow for our clients.”

If you want to know more about why and how we sell, do have a chat to us.

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Iron Bridge opens the door to China